PREP leads the Industry by providing an easy and affordable PDF Remediation Platform. Our Cloud-based software leverages Artificial Intelligence to ensure ADA & WCAG Compliance, Remediation at scale and >95% Accuracy.
In the last decade, the number of
accessibility lawsuits filed against non-compliant organizations and institutions has seen an unprecedented growth.
An estimated 25% of the American population have a disability. By making your PDF documents accessible, you will be able to increase your market reach and share.
90% of customers have reported that they value organizations that take up social issues. Boost your reputation among your customers with
accessible PDF documents!
Ability to remediate documents in the following formats: PDF, PowerPoint (PPTX), HTML, Word, and ePub3.
No Expertise Required. Accurately remediates PDFs in Three simple steps.
PREP leverages AI auto-tagging to reduce cycle time by ~60%.
Fully compliant, meeting and exceeding standards across Section 508, WCAG 2.1, PDFU/A, and ADA Compliance.
Ability to remediate thousands of documents through an AI-driven platform or remediation service.
Account Manager
Compliance Checker
PDF Tagging
Auto Alt Text
Intuitive Dashboard
Cloud Based Tool
Level of Accuracy
Human Intervention
PDF Remediation Tool
Account Manager
Compliance Checker
PDF Tagging
Auto At Text
Intuitive Dashboard
Cloud Based Tool
Level of Accuracy – 95%
    Human Intervention
Scalable- Up to 50% Documents
Document Remediation Services
Account Manager
Compliance Checker
PDF Tagging
Auto At Text
Intuitive Dashboard
Cloud Based Tool
Level of Accuracy – 99%
Human Intervention
Scalable – Unlimited
PREP leverages Automation, Artificial intelligence and other Innovative technologies to deliver accessible and compliant documents within minutes.
If you’re looking for a customized Remediation or have larger volumes to process, we provide Document Remediation Services.
Ph.D., ATP, RET ATI Manager, George Mason University
“Their services are top-notch, customer-driven, and the extent of their collaboration with our staff has been unmatched. We could not be more excited about the quality of products and services they have provided and will be providing in the months ahead.”
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